May 19, 2024 New Dundee Fireworks Extravaganza!

May 19, 2024 New Dundee Fireworks Extravaganza!

Hello, beautiful people! It’s your favorite apparel brand, Bontle By B, here to invite you to an event that’s close to our hearts. We’re talking about the New Dundee Fireworks on May 19, 2024, and guess what? We’re not just attending; we’re promoting it!

A Celebration of Community and Culture

From 4:00 PM to 10:30 PM, we’ll be at the heart of the festivities, celebrating Victoria Day with a community that’s as vibrant and diverse as our collection. It’s more than just fireworks; it’s a gathering of families, friends, and fashion enthusiasts.

Fashion Meets Fireworks

As a proud vendor, we’ll be showcasing our exclusive Christian and Melanin apparel. This is your chance to grab those statement pieces that speak to your soul and celebrate your identity. Our designs are all about embracing who you are and carrying it with pride.

Blessed Vibes and Dazzling Skies

We believe in making every moment count, and what better way to do that than under a sky lit with the most beautiful fireworks? So come join us, let’s make memories, and let’s make this Victoria Day weekend one for the books.

See You There!

Mark your calendars, set a reminder, and make sure you’re there. We can’t wait to meet you, greet you, and treat you to the best apparel in town.

Let’s light up the night with style and smiles. Have a blessed Victoria Day long weekend, and see you at the New Dundee Fireworks!

With love, Bontle By B

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